
商务英语 — 如何与不同文化背景的人谈判

英语学习交流 admin 5405浏览 1评论

Negotiating with People from Different Backgrounds Than Your Own

1.In situations where English is used as an international language by native and non-native speakers,the native speakers will tend to dominate the discussion because usually they have more language fluency.If this is in your favor, fine, but if you or memebers of your team are at a disadvantage in this respect, use an interpreter.



2.In cross-cultural settings, play it safe: dress up for the meeting, take a partner and ask the organizer in advance to seat you both next to somebody important although you don't phrase your request in those words. For instance, if you have met one of the VIPs before, even under the most trivial circumstances, memtion you know this person and would likt to sit near them.



3.The use of first names may be fine for Americans and Australians; otherwise avoid it unless you are specifically invited to call somebody by their first name.



4.A popular adage is that Japanese begin a speech with an apology, Americans begin with a joke. Jokes are usually culture-specific and people from other cultures often don't find them funny. Unless you are sure of your audience, cut out the funny stuff.



5.Some cultures value interdependence, others independence. Japanese instinctively look at each other for support or confirmation before they express any opinion. Howerver this interdependent behaviour can appear to Americans to lack confidence. British negotiators tend to act as a team and Frence people as individuals. Italians are inclined to refer to each other, but Germans are not . In these international settings, the safest tactic is to be consultative, not individualistic.



6.Don't express your personal opinions on anything. It is so easy to give offence if you don't know the cultural context. Instead, say something like:"I have heard that..." or "Somebody told me that..." ; or "I think it is generally accepted that...". If you want to pay somebody a compliment, or an insult, do it indirectly.

请不要随意发表个人意见。在你不熟悉文化背景的条件下,这样做很容易会冒犯他人。其实我们可以换一种方式来表达,如:“我曾经听说过...” 或者 “有人告诉我...”; 或者 “ 我想大家普遍认为...” 。如果你想称赞别人,或者是攻击别人,请间接的表达你的想法。


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