

网站技巧 admin 6579浏览 1评论



Ever wanted to move your WordPress blogs over to Blogger? This site can aid in the process!

Login to your WordPress account and navigate to the Dashboard for the blog that you'd like to transfer to Blogger.
Click on the Manage tab below the Blog name.
Click on the Export link below the Manage tab.
Download the WordPress WXR export file by clicking on Download Export File.
Save this file to your local machine.
Browse to that saved document with the form below and click Convert.

Save this file to your local machine. This file will be the contents of your posts/comments from WordPress in a Blogger export file.
Login to your Blogger or create a new user.
Once logged in, click on the Create a Blog link from the user dashboard, and then click on the Import Blog Tool
Follow the instructions and upload your Blogger export file when prompted.
After completing the import wizard, you should have a set of imported posts from WordPress that you can now publish to Blogger. Have fun!

NOTE: This hosted application will only allow downloads smaller than 1MB.

For information on how to run this conversion on your own, visit the open source project hosted at code.google.com



转载请注明:日记男孩的博客 » wordpress内容转换为可导入blogger格式的内容






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网友最新评论 (1)

  1. 这个现在还有效吗?
    八零后8年前 (2017-01-16)回复