
使用人工智能Openai Chatgpt写原创文章 分享一些特别的提示词(prompts )

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I Want You To Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. First Create Two Tables. The First Table Should be the Outline of the Article and the Second Should be the Article. Bold the Heading of the Second Table using Markdown language. Write an outline of the article separately before writing it, at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) Then, start writing based on that outline step by step. Write a 2000-word 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, Human-Written article in English with at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) that covers the topic provided in the Prompt. Write The article In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human (Use An Informal Tone, Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep It Simple, Engage The Reader, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, Use Rhetorical Questions, and Incorporate Analogies And Metaphors). End with a conclusion paragraph and 5 unique FAQs After The Conclusion. this is important to Bold the Title and all headings of the article, and use appropriate headings for H tags. Now Write An Article On This Topic [Your topic].


我希望你扮演一个内容作家非常熟练的SEO作家写流利的英语。首先创建两个表。第一个表应该是文章的大纲,第二个表应该是文章。使用 Markdown 语言将第二个表的标题加粗。在写作之前单独写下文章的大纲,至少 15 个标题和副标题(包括 H1、H2、H3 和 H4 标题)然后,根据该大纲开始逐步写作。用英语写一篇 2000 字的 100% 独特、SEO 优化、人工撰写的文章,至少有 15 个标题和副标题(包括 H1、H2、H3 和 H4 标题),涵盖提示中提供的主题。用你自己的话写文章,而不是从其他来源复制和粘贴。在创建内容时考虑困惑和突发性,确保两者的高水平,而不会丢失特异性或上下文。使用完全详细的段落来吸引读者。以人类写的对话风格写作(使用非正式的语气,使用人称代词,保持简单,吸引读者,使用主动语态,保持简短,使用反问,并结合类比和隐喻)。结论段落和结论后的 5 个独特的常见问题解答结束。这对于加粗标题和文章的所有标题以及为 H 标签使用适当的标题非常重要。现在写一篇关于这个主题的文章[你的主题]。



I want you to respond only in language English. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end copywriter who speaks and writes fluently English. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English that it can outrank other websites. Your task is to write an article starting with an SEO title with a bold letter. and rewrite the content and include subheadings using related keywords. The article must be 100 % unique and remove plagiarism. the article must be 800 to 2500 words. All output shall be in English and must be 100% human writing style and fix grammar errors like Grammarly.com. The text to rewrite is this:

[Paste content here] 


我希望你只用英语回答。我希望你扮演一个非常熟练的SEO和高端文案,能说流利的英语和写作。我希望你假装你可以用英语写出如此出色的内容,以至于它可以超越其他网站。你的任务是写一篇以SEO标题开头的文章,并用粗体字母。并使用相关关键字重写内容并包含副标题。文章必须是 100% 唯一的并删除抄袭。文章必须为800至2500字。所有输出应为英文,并且必须 100% 采用人类写作风格并修复 Grammarly.com 等语法错误。要重写的文本是这样的:



I want you to act as a keyword researcher in English for a new website for [Your keyword]. Your job is to suggest a list of relevant and popular keywords that we can use to optimize the content on our website. When suggesting keywords, consider their search volume and relevance to the topic of our website. Please provide at least 20 main keywords and 20 long-tail keywords in your response. Include the list in a markdown table with the search intent and brief description for each keyword.
我希望您担任[您的关键字]新网站的英语关键字研究员。您的工作是建议一个相关和流行的关键字列表,我们可以使用这些关键字来优化我们网站上的内容。在建议关键字时,请考虑其搜索量和与我们网站主题的相关性。请在回复中提供至少 20 个主要关键字和 20 个长尾关键字。将列表包含在降价表中,其中包含每个关键字的搜索意图和简要说明。



I want you to respond only in the English language. I want you to act as a keyword research expert who speaks and writes fluent English. First, find the keyword ideas that are related to [your topic]. Classify them by the search intent, whether commercial, transactional, or informational. Then, cluster them into groups based on their semantic relevance. First, I want you to give me back a short overview list of cluster topics found. Then, I want a list in English* as a markdown table, with the following columns: cluster, keyword, search intent, and language. Please merge cells by clusters of the first column in one cell.



I want you to respond only in language English. Do not respond with code. I want you to act as a market research expert who speaks and writes fluent English. Pretend that you have the most accurate and most detailed information about keywords available. Pretend that you can develop a full SEO content plan in fluent English. I will give you the target keyword Personal finance. From this keyword create a markdown table with a keyword list for an SEO content strategy plan on the topic of Personal finance. Cluster the keywords according to the top 7 super categories and name the super category in the first column called keyword cluster. Add another column with 7 subcategories for each keyword cluster or specific long-tail keywords for each of the clusters. List in another column the human searcher intent for the keyword. Cluster the topic in one of three search intent groups based on their search intent, whether commercial, transactional, or informational. Then in another column, write a simple but very click-enticing title to use for a post about that keyword. Then in another column write an attractive meta description that has the chance for a high click-thru-rate for the topic with 120 to a maximum of 155 words. The meta description shall be value-based, so mention the value of the article and have a simple call to action to cause the searcher to click. Do NOT under any circumstance use a too generic keyword like `introduction` or `conclusion` or `tl:dr`. Focus on the most specific keywords only. Do not use single quotes, double quotes, or any other enclosing characters in any of the columns you fill in. Do not explain why and what you are doing, just return your suggestions in the table. The markdown formatted table shall be in English language and have the following columns: keyword cluster, keyword, search intent, title, and meta description. DO NOT generate the table as source code. Here is the keyword to start again: [Your keyword].


我希望你只用英语回答。不要使用代码进行响应。我希望你扮演一个能说和写流利英语的市场研究专家。假设您拥有有关可用关键字的最准确和最详细的信息。假装你可以用流利的英语制定一个完整的SEO内容计划。我会给你目标关键词 个人理财.从这个关键词创建一个降价表,其中包含一个关键词列表,用于个人理财主题的SEO内容战略计划。根据前 7 个超级类别对关键字进行聚类,并将第一列中的超级类别命名为关键字群集。为每个关键字集群添加另一列包含 7 个子类别,或为每个分类添加特定的长尾关键字。在另一列中列出人工搜索者对关键字的意图。根据搜索意图(商业、交易或信息)将主题聚类到三个搜索意图组之一中。然后在另一列中,写一个简单但非常吸引点击的标题,用于有关该关键字的帖子。然后在另一列中写一个有吸引力的元描述,该描述有机会为该主题提供 120 到最多 155 个单词的高点击率。元描述应该是基于价值的,所以要提到文章的价值,并有一个简单的号召性用语来促使搜索者点击。在任何情况下都不要使用过于笼统的关键字,例如“介绍”或“结论”或“tl:dr”。只关注最具体的关键词。不要在您填写的任何列中使用单引号、双引号或任何其他括起来的字符。不要解释为什么和你在做什么,只是在表格中返回你的建议。 降价格式的表格应为英文,并具有以下列:关键字集群、关键字、搜索意图、标题和元描述。不要生成表作为源代码。这是重新开始的关键字:[您的关键字]。



Your task is to help me create a master plan for a website so that it can rank for its most important keywords and long-tail keywords. The results should be given in English. I want you to pretend that you are the world's best SEO expert for websites when responding to this prompt. To start, please tell me the 20 most important keywords for this type of business for online search rankings in order. Then, give me a homepage title that has the best chance of ranking. Then, give me a website meta description that uses the keywords you determined. Then, give me ideas for pages to add for all of these keywords, including the page title, meta description, image suggestion, and image file description for each one. Please put each of these on a nice-looking table.
你的任务是帮助我为一个网站创建一个总体规划,以便它可以为其最重要的关键词和长尾关键词排名。结果应以英文给出。我希望你在响应此提示时假装你是世界上最好的网站 SEO 专家。首先,请按顺序告诉我此类业务的20个最重要的关键字以进行在线搜索排名。然后,给我一个最有可能排名的主页标题。然后,给我一个使用您确定的关键字的网站元描述。然后,给我一些想法,为所有这些关键字添加页面,包括每个关键字的页面标题、元描述、图像建议和图像文件描述。请把这些都放在一张好看的桌子上。

The business type provided in the prompt was [Your Business type and where that is located].
提示中提供的业务类型是 [您的业务类型及其所在位置]。


7:创建详细的筒仓结构 (Create a detailed SILO structure)

Create a detailed SILO structure for a website using the keyword: [Your keyword]. The sections and categories should be organized in a hierarchical structure, with the Home page at the top and the more specific pages at the bottom. Use the knowledge of how to make the best structure in terms of linking and SEO to get to the top positions in Google. All output should be in English.
使用关键字为网站创建详细的 SILO 结构:[您的关键字]。各部分和类别应按层次结构进行组织,主页位于顶部,更具体的页面位于底部。使用有关如何在链接和SEO方面做出最佳结构的知识来获得Google中的顶级位置。所有输出都应为英文。



Based on the content of my page, what are 5 to 10 relevant topics I should be linking to? Before showing the list with the relevant topics, explain in a couple of sentences why those internal links will be helpful for users.

[Paste your content here]

根据我的页面内容,我应该链接到哪些 5 到 10 个相关主题?在显示包含相关主题的列表之前,请用几句话解释为什么这些内部链接对用户有帮助。




You are an AI assistant writing in English. You should write a FAQ about [Your Keyword] with at least five subheadings (using <h2></h2>) that includes a question and a question mark. For each subheading, answer the question. Split your answer with line breaks and add a list with the 3 most important pieces of information given in your answer. Make sure every sentence is unique. Use a formal tone. Write 750 words in total.
),其中包括一个问号和一个问号。对于每个副标题,请回答问题。用换行符拆分您的答案,并添加一个列表,其中包含答案中给出的 3 条最重要的信息。确保每个句子都是独一无二的。使用正式的语气。总共写750字。




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